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“I Could Never Stop Loving You”

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Live an empathetic life and live happier

Happiness is a skill you can harness and place in your life. You cannot depend on others to always bring you up and be your light. You will find disappointment if you regularly rely on others for happiness. But, you can find an even brighter light within yourself. Practicing happiness through compassion and empathy can bring you Passion, Beauty, and Joy (PB & J, as Bill Nye would put it). All ages can be taught and practice empathy, leading to an improved mindset and overall self-improvement.


Struggles and Challenges are Opportunities to Learn

Rethink challenging moments as opportunities for growth. Learn self-awareness and be intrigued by your capabilities. Give yourself credit for your growth and take hold of opportunities in your life. You can be the change you want to be.

“You have the power to create meaning in your life rather than passively looking for it.”

—Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson.

The Wind & The Rain


Poetry, Science, Education