Book Information

“This book not only has wonderful illustrations, but it has a great story dynamic between parent and child. It gives the insight of a love a parent has for their children when it may feel like the enforcer is the enemy. The story portrays a realistic scenario and creates a lighthearted warmth in short, sweet words for young ones and parents alike to appreciate”

-Renee from San Angelo, TX.

In "I Could Never Stop Loving You," we follow the heartwarming journey of Little Monkey, a young primate with big emotions. Through the ups and downs of life, Little Monkey sometimes finds it hard to cope with his feelings. On one particularly difficult day, he realizes that he needs the help and support of his loving mother to navigate the challenges he faces.

Book Readings

Readings include the author reading the book to a group of children and parents, a Q&A session between the author and audience, and a book signing where parents can purchase a copy of the book on site and receive a personalized signed copy of ‘I Could Never Stop Loving You.” Contact Tanya today to schedule a 30 to 90 minute book event.

Schedule a Reading

“This book provides huge non-verbal tips to parents who need new ideas for communicating with their children. I love how diverse the characters are, how they communicate well and hold hands or hug when needed. The use of a soft blanket and bringing Little Monkey into a new area for a discussion are genius and effective! It provides a brilliant teaching moment for children and parents alike. My kids (4-7 years old) and I loved reading it!”

-Aubrey from Maple Hill, North Carolina